Dear Service Providers, Stakeholders and Community Agencies,


Voice of Albertans with Disabilities, (VAD) Is inviting you to participate in the 2024 IDPD Community Resource Fair on Saturday, November 30, 2024 as an exhibitor.


What is the purpose of International Day of Persons with Disabilities?

Celebrated on December 3rd around the world, IDPD mobilizes support for critical issues relating to the inclusion of persons with disabilities, promotes awareness-raising about disability issues and draws attention to the benefits of an inclusive and accessible society for all.


VAD focuses on full participation, equity and accessibility for everyone, and this year to celebrate IDPD, we are hosting a resource fair, and we want you to participate and invite your friends.

DATE:                    Saturday, November 30, 2024

TIME:                    9 AM     Exhibitors set up

10 AM   Networking for exhibitors

11 AM   Open to public

3-4 PM Tear down

COST:                   $50 each

LOCATION:        Stanley Milner Library

Downstairs – Community Rooms 1 & 2

7 Sir Winston Churchill Square NW, Edmonton, AB, T5J 2V4

  • There will be a map available to direct exhibitors to their designated spot in the event space.
  • While the venue has limited rectangular tables available. We are asking exhibitors to provide their own tables (BYOT). Please let us know if you require a table at a cost of an additional $20.
  • Please bring a tablecloth, banner, promotional materials, swag, business cards and a door prize.

As a participant in the resource fair, we ask that you invite your clients and patrons to the event to boost attendee numbers.  We have a poster you can promote through social media, in person and on your websites.

Participants can be anyone that would like to attend from the community. Attendance is free for patrons and throughout the day we will give away door prizes supplied by the exhibitors. As an exhibitor we would like your agency/company to provide a short description of what your company does in the community to help the public become aware of your services, as well as what demographic you support.

We would like each exhibitor to provide VAD with their company logo for a PowerPoint slide during the event and a short write-up that can be put in an exhibitor directory to be provided to each attendee as a resource guide for the community.

We ask that you also forward this invitation to all your resource supports so that we have a large group of community resources for youth/families, adults and seniors.  Our focus is disabilities but as that demographic is in each part of society, we believe this is an opportunity to gather all aspects of the journey through navigation systems that are a lifelong process and celebrate the International Day of Persons with Disabilities.




Invitation letter to participate as an exhibitor

Guest Poster