

Full participation is an affirmative value focused on creating settings that enable people —whatever their identities, backgrounds, or institutional positions—to thrive, realize their capabilities, engage meaningfully in institutional life, and enable others to do the same.

Download an Education for Life Bursary Application Form.
2024 Bursary_Application_Form



To mark the occasion of our 25th anniversary in 1998, Voice of Albertans with Disabilities initiated the Education for Life Bursary program. With this program, we support students who have a disability to achieve their post-secondary goals.


To be eligible for the Education for Life Bursary, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Have a disability
  • Live in Alberta
  • Registered for post secondary program
  • Meet eligibility criteria
  • Submit a completed application form to
    VAD by November 15 annually
  • Include one letter of reference from an adult other than a
    family member. (Only one letter of reference will be accepted)
  • Write a brief biography (max. one page double spaced),
    Including your educational goals, financial need and characteristics of your person.

Bursaries and Awards

Over the past 20 years, VAD has disbursed over $90,000 to assist over 200 Albertans with disabilities in their pursuit of higher education. This disbursement, VAD gave out seven $700 bursaries and two $1000 bursary for the 2023 calendar year. The bursary deadline for 2023 was November 15.

Approved Bursary Applicants Program Name
Bachelor of Education
Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Fire Fighter
Practical Nursing
Hair Design
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of n-can
University Prep pathway to Biology and Psychology



Elsa Marie Lodewyk was born on April 18, 1992, with severe Cerebral Palsy and was not expected to live for even a
few days. She had a strong will to live, though, and lived a full life for almost 19 years. Elsa’s disabilities
meant that she needed help from many people – her parents, siblings, teachers, schoolmates, caregivers, doctors and
nurses. She touched the lives of many people with her gentle spirit and had many friends. Elsa showed that life is
not what we accomplish but more about our relationships, listening and being a friend. Even though Elsa could not
speak, she was able to contribute to the lives of many people and her life had a positive impact on many.

The Elsa Marie Lodewyk Memorial Bursary was established by her family to reflect Elsa’s generosity, kindness and
gentleness. She would have been thrilled to know that she was helping another person with a disability.

To the Bursary Recipient: Just like Elsa, your life, too, will have more of an impact on others than you could ever
imagine. We hope that this bursary will encourage you to live your life to the fullest and to be all that you can

VAD board members and staff greatly appreciate the Lodewyk family’s generosity and contribution to higher education
for students with disabilities in memory of their daughter, Elsa Marie.

Looking for a non-profit employment opportunity or
have a job you’d like to submit? Click here.



Voice of Albertans with Disabilities (VAD) is fueled by sponsors an donors. It’s because of the amazing sponsor that support VAD and our efforts to continue to make a difference for Albertans with Disabilities. These businesses and organizations are imperative to ensuring that VAD can continue to provide the resources and supports that are so desperately needed in Alberta.



Voice of Albertans with Disabilities is here for you.
Please click here to visit our Contact Page and select the form that best suits your needs.