Grasp Hold of the Opportunities June Offers

June has such an invitation for us all, as our days stretch longer, warmer and more inviting, its a time to ask ourselves what opportunities we are going to embrace.

Outdoor activities throughout our communities are in full swing, inviting us to participate, accessibility may become a limitation to this invitation. Yet, as we continue to share the many ways our communities and society can assist our accessibility, the more and better opportunities for us all. I invite everyone to write in and share the many opportunities you have discovered to not only brighten your summer but everyone else’s across Alberta as well.

As we finish up school or look to open new creative ways to take on this summer’s adventure, via travel, staycation, or new dreams of our future pivots in our life direction, my recommendation is to dive in and bring it on!

Check out all the opportunities that are available in the summer in the City the Ultimate 2024 guide to Summer Fun and check our something for you to get out and enjoy.

Take advantage of the many programs available at the accessible camps across Alberta here is
a few to start with:

• Camp He Ho Ha

• Camp Horizon via Easter Seals Alberta

• URSA Retreat Centre

• William Watson Lodge

Let’s all offer a warm Congratulations! to all of our families that have someone special Graduating from High school, Trades Programs, Collage or University. Well done to you all from Voice of Albertans with Disabilities. Embrace your new adventure and all the opportunities that are available to smooth your path ahead. Let your dreams grow without any limitations! There is always an attainable step ahead, so grab hold of it even when you may see the paths look different and veer away from the norm, the end result is the same, Success!

Take advantage and smooth out your future journey by utilizing the many opportunities that open up to you this June. Whether you are looking to enter post secondary, start a business or discover a new opportunity for employment that truly works for you, there are many grants you can take advantage of. Her are just a few to start looking at as you dream of bringing your desired future closer into your grasp.

The Opportunities are there for you through programs such as:

  • Disability Related Employment Supports (DRES) funding is available to pay for supports that help Albertans overcome barriers to education or employment. They offer 3 categories of support, Job search, Workplace and Educational supports.
  • Canada Disability Savings Grant or the Canadian Disability Savings Bond may be available for you until December 31st of the year you turn 49.
  • Rewarding career discovery through Persons with Disabilities Edmonton and Entrepreneurs With Disabilities
  • Career Links is a program which provides employment supports for individuals experiencing challenges to workforce participation due to mental health issues
  • SkillGain and The WORX programs in Calgary
  • EmployAbilities Skills workshops
  • Canada Student Grant for Students with Disabilities for $2,800 of funding towards your education.
  • Canada Student Grant for Services and Equipment – Students with Disabilities, you could receive up to $20,000 per school year if you are eligible.

I truly love June and all the invitations it offers me from free adventures to small expenses to put an amazing smile on my face as well as my families. I invite you all to jump out and find your own adventure.
Always remember to grasp hold of the many opportunities June has to offer, in your neighbourhood, community and across our amazing Province. Let’s continue to share the vast adventures you have discovered that offer truly accessible relaxation, getaways or new creation ideas for your business to aid yourself or others future life path.