The Voice of Albertans with Disabilities is seeking a senior administrator with leadership experience in the Disability supports and advocacy non-profit sector. The Executive Administrator will work with the Board of Directors to support and empower people with disabilities in Alberta. The role involves financial administration, change management, and providing reports to the Board. The position is temporary for up to 6 months, with a full-time workload at the VAD office in Edmonton. The candidate will work on site for the duration of the contract.
If this position interests you, email by February 29, 2024 at 12:00 noon. Details about the posting and next steps will be shared with suitable candidates.

The Voice of Albertans with Disabilities is seeking a senior administrator with leadership experience in the Disability supports and advocacy non-profit sector. The Executive Administrator will work with the Board of Directors to support and empower people with disabilities in Alberta. The role involves financial administration, change management, and providing reports to the Board. The position is temporary for up to 6 months, with a full-time workload at the VAD office in Edmonton. The candidate will work on site for the duration of the contract.
If this position interests you, email by February 5, 2024 at 12:00 noon. Details about the posting and next steps will be shared with suitable candidates.