Voice of Albertans with Disabilities mourns the sudden loss of our Executive Director
Today we on the team of VAD are saddened to inform everyone that our team has suffered a great loss unexpectedly. Our Executive Director, Margot Campbell Brunner, passed away on July 27th, 2023, after a sudden health issue. We understand this message may be difficult to process for everyone, including our staff team. Margot was a true gift to Voice of Albertans with Disabilities; she was always transferring Her positivity on to everyone around the office and our community. Margot was a unicorn of unlimited hidden talents with a vast toolbox at her side with which she always utilized to smooth out the challenges our members faced. She was a beloved friend and co-worker who strived to work hard to meet extreme expectations while sending out positive ripples daily to us all.
The Voice of Albertans with Disabilities would have liked to provide this news in person to you all, but sadly, this is not possible at this time. We know many of our members and clients had a strong relationship with Margot and she will be greatly missed. Please remember to keep Margot’s family and loved ones in your thoughts as they deal with the challenges of her loss. Our office will continue to offer services and supports to clients during this time of grief with assistance from our staff and board members.
As her family’s wishes, we are sharing her Celebration of Life information with our members and stakeholders.
Date: September 8, 2023
Location: Crossroads Church, 38105, Range Rd 275, Red Deer, AB T4S 2N4
*According to the church, the facility is accessible with theatre seating. There is a push button at the front entrance, a ramp on the northeast side of the building, and level access to the sanctuary.
Time: 1:00 pm
Everyone Welcome
Margot Brunner Memorial Link
Here is the link to Crossroads for Margot’s Memorial. This link will allow you to watch the celebration of life from your home. the event will take place September 8, 2023 at 1 pm.
In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Voice of Albertans with Disabilities (VAD).
Katrina Breau
Voice of Albertans with Disabilities President
Margot Brunner (Campbell) obit

As we honor your memory we embrace the beauty of a life well-lived and deeply loved.