Accessibility! What does this really mean to you on a daily basis?
Today we often hear how many areas are working to become more accessible, but is it really working for everyone?
Our Federal Government adopted “The Accessible Canada Act” in 2019. The goal of the Act is to create a Canada without barriers by 2040.
My question for you all is, is the Act positively impacting your life, are you noticing these positive changes in our society and how have you been touched by these changes?
When we look at the “Principles of the Accessibility Act”, Organizations must consider each of these Principles when preparing their accessibility plans.
Everyone must be treated with dignity.
Everyone must have the same opportunity to build the life they want.
Barrier-free access:
Everyone must have barrier-free access to full and equal participation in society.
Everyone must have meaningful options and be free to make their own choices, with support if they want it.
Laws, Policies and programs:
Laws, Policies, programs, Services and Structures must take into account:
– Peoples Disabilities
– The different ways people interact with their environments
– The different and overlapping types of marginalization and discrimination people face.
Involving People with Disabilities:
People with Disabilities must be involved in creating, laws, policies, programs, services and structures.
Highest Level of Accessibility:
Accessibility standards and regulations must aim for the highest level of accessibility.
The Act also focuses on reducing barriers in seven areas:
– Employment
– The Built environment (Physical Spaces)
– Communication
– Information and Communication Technologies
– Procurement (Buying & Renting things & places)
– Programs & Services
– Transportation
I invite you all to review the many areas of “The Accessibility Canada Act” and ask how it is or isn’t working for you in all areas of your life journey. I believe positive change can happen for our future, just as it has been making positive pivots in our past. We may not have achieved full clarity of the target yet, but as we participate in many gatherings and discussions feedback on the true impacts of our lives continue to bring forward the gaps we experience. All of these insights contribute to new positive pivots for us all.
Feel free to write in to our office at VAD to share the wisdom of your experiences and insights every example may improve our toolboxes as we come to tables to share.
Check out the Accessible Canada Act: